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 the umbrella academy

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Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 4 Fév - 13:16

Un article entiérement dédié à The Rumor !

Citation :

Have You Heard The Rumor?

The Umbrella Academy's Allison Hargreeves

By Mary Borsellino
February 2, 2009

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The writer Kurt Vonnegut once said one of the core rules of good writing was that, no matter how likable and lovely a character may be, the story would put that character through hell. It was only this way, Vonnegut maintained, that the audience could see what the character was made of.

Allison Hargreeves already had an ample serving of character-building experiences in her life before The Umbrella Academy: Dallas began. In the very first Umbrella comic released, 2007's Free Comic Book Day offering, Allison was introduced as the sole female member of the then-teenaged superhero team The Umbrella Academy. She was operating there under the name 'The Rumor', due to her power of making things true by declaring them true — for example, she'd "heard a rumor" that the Musee D'Orsay was serving free crêpes, and abruptly it was.

This first story also revealed that Allison's adoptive father, Reginald Hargreeves, was untroubled by the thought of her death. The same proved not to be true in reverse; Allison was the only one of Hargreeves' family to shed real tears at his funeral. She is also the only one of the number of children he took in and made into superheroes who grew up to have a family of her own; she has a young daughter, Claire, who is in the custody of Allison's ex-husband.

Flashbacks during the first Umbrella Academy miniseries, The Apocalypse Suite — now optioned for a film adaptation — revealed that during Allison's childhood, she once lost an arm after being captured by a particularly repugnant supervillain. Presumably, she was able to make it grow back through the use of her power. When forced to face the Terminauts (robots left behind by this supervillain) as an adult, Allison was unable to function in battle and had to be saved by the rest of her team.

Of all the Umbrella Academy, Allison displays the most ambivalence about being a superhero — she doesn't don her costume's domino mask until the story is well into its third act, during a scene in which one of her team mates points out that he hasn't actually seen her use her power at all since the remnants of the family gathered for their adoptive fathers' funeral. Does she still have it? Did she lose it?

Her response, that she "heard a rumor" that he's wanted to kiss her since they were children, does nothing to confirm or deny his suggestion. Presumably, it was true even before she said it was, but once she's said it there's no way to be sure one way or the other.

And then, in the battle to stop the end of the world, Allison has her throat cut. She survives the injury, but will never speak again.

Put a character through hell, and you'll see what she's made of.

So now here we are, two issues into Dallas, which follows the events of The Apocalypse Suite. We see Allison broken down. Not in the sense that she is an emotional wreck, reduced to distress and misery, but in the sense that we are seeing her broken down to her most essential, core elements.

Allison, deconstructed. The stylish, sophisticated woman of The Apocalypse Suite's opening exchanges has let her haircut grow out to shapelessness. She is savagely unforgiving of the actions of her estranged sister, despite her sister having been brainwashed at the time and now retaining no memory of what she did.

Allison now communicates through writing on a pad. This means that the artwork of her face during conversations no longer needs to capture her in the act of speaking, and the resulting blank, shadowed expressions convey how fundamentally she has been removed from the trappings of who she was: the girl whose superhuman powers came from her abilities of artifice has lost that skill on a level deeper than whether or not she can speak to tell lies. She isn't presenting any sort of veneer to the world anymore, not in how she looks or acts. There's just her, stripped back to her barest self.

Having a character who speaks visually — through her notepad — plays with the comic-book form, as technically all speech in comics is visual, since it's word balloons. I ask Scott Allie, Umbrella's editor, what challenges creating Allison has presented for this new series.

"It's been tricky figuring out how best to work her notepad speech in with other characters speaking in normal balloons," he replies. "There were places where we looked at reducing the number of panels, and a usual trick for that is to have characters speak back and forth within a panel, have more of the dialogue happening within the panel.

"But even though part of the joke is that Rumor's notepad works a lot like a balloon, the notepad doesn't actually fall in sequence like a balloon, so that really limits how you can make the notepad interact with actual speech.

"It leads to a lot of instances where Rumor's notepad is the only dialogue in the panel, and that dictates the pacing in a unique way."

The resultant rhythms of conversation in the affected scenes is quite like that found in the early issues of DC's Batgirl title, in which the character knew little English. Rather than this causing a breakdown in communication, it forced the creators to employ an oftentimes devastating efficiency with language. Words are still Allison's power, but now that power is being able to convey a slew of turbulent emotions and complex relationships within the confines of a page of notepaper.

Back when The Apocalypse Suite was just beginning, writer Gerard Way told Sequential Tart that "writing The Rumor is actually the most natural of all the characters, and probably talks the most like myself". This same sentiment is echoed in Scott Allie's answer now when I ask him about who Allison has become.

"In a lot of ways, Rumor is the most emotionally normal member of the team," Scott says. "She reacts to the rest of the team sort of normally, considering all the abnormality involved. She's got a sardonic attitude without being full-on crazy like Kraken."

Natural, normal — it's these traits which, ironically, make Allison almost unique as a superpowered female character who has gone through trauma. Violence against women is a hugely common trope in the superhero genre, and the term 'Women in Refrigerators' has come to be subcultural slang for stories in which terrible things are done to female characters in order to push the men's stories forward: Green Lantern's girlfriend, for example, was chopped up and stuffed in his fridge by one of his enemies. Such stories do their women and girls a double disservice, first in making them victims rather than heroes, and then making them nothing but pawns in the battles of the super-men around them. They are damaged possessions, not people.

Allison's injury, the loss of her voice, could so easily be figurative as well as literal. She could have been nothing more than a tragic victim; an impetus to forward the angst and stories of the men around her.

But instead it's her story. It's her pain, it's her loss, her journey to become someone new out of the wreckage of who she was. She's too angry to have any sympathy for her bedridden sister; she argues crankily with her mother when her mother tries to be positive about the situation. Allison is having the normal, natural reactions someone might have if they were put through some of the crap life's thrown at her. We're seeing what she's really made of, and it's something vulnerable and human.

And considering the barely-restrained anarchy and viciously hilarious goings on all around her in what we've seen of Dallas so far, that humanity may be the strangest power any of the Umbrella Academy team have to offer their world.

Source : Sequential Tart

Une traduction, quand j'aurais le temps si quelqu'un la veut.
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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mar - 23:22

Gerard a révélé le nom du scénariste pour le film de The Umbrella Academy !
Il s'agit de Marck Bomback, scénariste entre autre de Die Hard 4

Citation :

Gerard Way names writer for Umbrella Academy movie

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A superhero film script is in the works

Gerard Way has named the screenwriter linked to the movie of his comic series 'The Umbrella Academy'.

As previously reported, Universal Pictures have fast-tracked a big screen adaptation of the My Chemical Romance star's award-winning superhero comic.

Now, speaking to Collider, Way has revealed the man who is set to pen the script: He said: "There's a screenwriter, a great screenwriter named Mark Bomback - and he is the guy we'd love to do it."

Bomback's previous credits include 'Live Free Or Die Hard' (released as 'Die Hard 4.0' in the UK) as well as 'Deception' and the forthcoming 'Return To Witch Mountain'.

Way himself has always maintained he does not want to write the movie himself.

"I didn’t want to because I felt like writing the comic was enough. To me, it's done. I don't want to write it again," he explained, though stated he remains close to the project.

"I've been in every meeting, I helped pick the screenwriter, I went through all that stuff," he added. "I've literally been there the whole time. [But in the end] I want it to be the director’s vision."

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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juin - 19:18

La dernière interview en date de gerard en rapport avec The UA.
Sachant que le dernier tome de dallas est sorti début mai.

Citation :
'Gerard Way Talks About Dallas, the Umbrella Movie & More'
Written by Elisabeth@TFAW
May 18th, 2009 at 12:59 pm

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The Umbrella Academy, by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, hit the comics scene in 2007 like a psychotropic bomb. Dominated by offbeat characters, nonlinear storytelling, and art resembling a vivid acid flashback, the first miniseries, Apocalypse Suite, won the Eisner Award for Best Limited Series in 2008 and was wildly popular, to boot. Fortunately, hungry fans just got to feast on The Umbrella Academy: Dallas, the second miniseries, which just released issue #6 on May 13.
I was lucky enough to interview Gerard–also very well known for his band, My Chemical Romance–about Dallas, the upcoming hardcover edition, the proposed Umbrella movie, and his next comic book series for Dark Horse. Read on, but be warned: there are multiple spoilers for issue #6, so if you haven’t read it yet, be careful! Thanks for taking some time to talk with me!
Gerard Way: No problem! So, what led you to creating The Umbrella Academy and working in comics?
GW: Before I started the band, I spent a lot of years trying to break into comics, and eventually finding work in toy design. What happened was, the band started to really take off, so I had to quit all my jobs–all my freelance gigs and everything–and I really just missed it. I missed the whole world, and creating stuff like that. I missed the whole thing–the art of it, and the scripting, and the possibility, so that was the whole motivator. What’s your favorite part of writing The Umbrella Academy?
GW: I think my favorite part is that the comic is so loose. I like being able to surprise myself, and Scott [Allie, Dark Horse Comics Senior Managing Editor], and sometimes we have conversations where we surprise each other, and I love that part. I’d say, “Scott, this is the rough overview of the six issues,” and then by the time we’re at issue three, things have already changed, in a really good way, and I’ve got a whole new opening now. I never knew how I was going to end Dallas. I knew the facts, I knew what would happen, but I didn’t know how it was going to end, the specifics. There was all this weird stuff, like the Vietnam thing in issue #5, stuff like that was able to happen, to occur to me only as I’m writing the script, and that’s my favorite part.
Sending this stuff to Gabriel, and then seeing it come back and come to life, that’s actually the most rewarding part. I would get really excited whenever my email inbox would show something of his, and then I’d get to open it up and see what he’s done, and it’s always amazing. Cool! What made you choose JFK for the second series?
GW: You know, Dallas was going to be a later story–I wanted it to be a one-shot, at a certain point. I was like, “I just want this really crazy one-shot issue that’s maybe 40 pages long, that involves the characters having to assassinate JFK, and then being torn about it.” That was the original idea, and then what we realized is that we had a lot more. There’s so much more going on with these characters since the first series, and there’s so much more happening with their lives, that we can make a whole six issues out of it. The JFK thing really only takes up a quarter of their story in the series, but there’s so much more to it. I guess we could have done just that story in one issue.
Dallas was supposed to be the series that happened later, after we got through some more A-plot stuff, like where are the other kids? What really happened to Hargreeves? What happened to the Horror? Things like that. But Scott had said, “I think this is how you follow it up, you follow the first series with something that’s very different and kind of severe,” and that’s what we did. Are you still going to pursue those other storylines? I know everybody wants to know what happened to the Horror.
GW: Yeah, absolutely. In fact, right now, as soon as Gabriel is done with his other commitments and taking a break–I think Gabriel deserves a really nice vacation–as soon as he’s done with that, we’re gonna go ahead and get into some more of the A-plot again, which is, what happened to the other kids, and what’s going on here. So by the time we get to the fourth series, we’ll be deep in another plot.
the umbrella academy - Page 2 14488 In Dallas, it seems like Spaceboy has kind of lost it. Was that because of the trauma of Apocalypse Suite, or Allison being injured?
GW: I think there is so much disappointment in that guy’s life, and I think he’s his own biggest disappointment. I think he just lost it because he apparently saved the world, but nothing seemed to have gotten better. Nothing’s different, for him, and that’s usually the case, but you never see that when you’re reading Superman. He’s always saving the world, but the next week, it’s the same thing, and you never really see that affect the character’s personality.
I think the biggest thing is, he’s trapped in this [Martian gorilla] body, so, now that’s they’ve saved the world, it’s time to celebrate and move on, and go back to their normal lives, and he can’t really do that. Yeah, because he’s a gorilla!
GW: Yeah! He can’t move on at all! It’s seems like he can’t move at all–he’s gained all that weight, like he hates the body.
GW: Exactly. So he’s stuck in this situation and body, and he can’t move on from it. But oddly enough, neither did any of the other characters. They didn’t go back and have normal lives. Well, how much of normal lives did they have before?
GW: Yeah, exactly. We saw more of Seance in this arc. Do you have any plans for him in the near future?
GW: You know, Seance is a character that I’m really happy has delivered the goods in terms of what he needed to be as a character. He played a very small role in the first series, up until the end, and now it’s nice to see that he’s actually kind of–that’s how I always wanted to use the character. He ends up using his personality more than his abilities, but I’ve always wanted to get more of him in there, and I found in this series that I could do that.
Me and Scott talk all the time about potentially doing a series with Seance, because of all the characters, it felt like he was the one that had the most room for other stories–he’s got this lost 10 years that were probably just a big party for him. But I’m sure there’s other things involved, because he’d lost his allowance for such a long time, when he split from Hargreeves, and he’s the kind of guy who’d do a lot of weird things to survive.
the umbrella academy - Page 2 15760 Well, he had a kid back in Vietnam, so does he possibly have an adult child now, in the present?
GW: That is something I think we’ll see, if not in the next series but in the one after–the issue is definitely going to be addressed. Him having a kid in Vietnam is actually one of those interesting things where, it started off as something very simple, like, I just wanted him to have had a kid, I wanted to show the passage of time. Also, I’m assuming that a lot of people think that Seance is gay, and I wanted to play with that notion a little bit, too, because I’m not sure that he isn’t, but that doesn’t mean he can’t have a kid. So, you never know how that happened.
So that’s another interesting subject, but I really, out of all the characters, I thought, “It would be the most interesting if Seance had a kid,” and then the fallout of that we’ll just deal with later. I don’t know what the repercussions of that are, but I wanted to show that at least a good three years have passed. Well, we didn’t see a lot of Vanya in Dallas. Is she ever going to be forgiven by the family? It seemed like Rumor was opening up a little bit.
GW: Yeah, I feel like Rumor climbs into bed with her because she realizes that, “Hey, we all do horrible things. I did something horrible, and who am I to judge?” I think that they’ve kind of come to peace. So we’ll see a little more of Vanya and Rumor together next time. And potentially, Space might be on his own, Space might be with somebody else, so I think the team is going to be really split off now in different directions, and that should be pretty interesting. Does Vanya have any powers, besides being used as a weapon of mass destruction?
GW: The interesting thing is, by the time we get to see her again–and as the writer, I’m not even sure when that is, that could be series four or series five–she does in fact have the ability to play that violin and make things happen, so we’ll hopefully get to see that. So, is Number 5 always going to be trapped in his childhood body?
GW: As of right now, yeah (laughs). That’s another thing about the comic that’s really fun. I don’t know! Who knows what might happen there? As of right now he’s absolutely trapped in that body. I think now that people are so attached to that character, that if I had done anything with his body it would probably be disappointing. Because it’s not like he’s a precocious kid; he’s 65 years old or something. And I think that’s more interesting than just a precocious kid. He actually reminds me of Damien from The Omen. Was that on purpose?
GW: (Laughs) I think any sinister child is going to come off like that. If and when the [Umbrella Academy] movie ever does come out, it will be interesting to see how the actor–whoever they get to play that character–acts, because he’s not just a super-genius boy. You have to pretend that you’ve lived an entire lifetime of mostly murdering people, and you’re smarter than anyone in the room. It’s also been hinted at that Number 5 has had lots of sex and lots of drugs, so he’s someone who’s had a very full and extreme lifestyle.
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Dernière édition par doush.k le Mer 17 Juin - 19:22, édité 1 fois
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Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juin - 19:22

La suite :
Citation : With future storylines, are you going to go chronologically from Dallas, or are there going to be more flashbacks and flash-forwards?
GW: By now, I think we’ve got this weird–I don’t want to call it a formula–but I like to feel like the flashbacks, the history, while it doesn’t exist until I write it, it’s there when I need it.
A really great example is the flashback at the beginning of issue #6 of Dallas, with the diorama of the solar system. This series is really about Number 5, so I wondered, what’s an example of something from back when he really was a child, that could really give the reader the sense of where his sense of rebellion comes from, where his sense of self-purpose comes from. Or at least an example of the rebellious nature he used to have. I wanted the story to be about his strong personality, his rebellion, so that’s why that scene was really important to me. Who is the third series going to focus on, then?
GW: That’s kind of up in the air right now. I knew going in that series one was about Vanya, and series two is about the Boy, and now it’s going to be kind of interesting, because we’re now going to see some other characters who are totally new to us, and I don’t think the book’s going to revolve around them, so it may revolve around–I don’t think it’s going to be Seance, but it’s gonna revolve around a main character from the group. Do you think it’s going to include the other kids from the mysterious birth?
GW: I think that we will see that more around series four. I was just wondering, with Spaceboy mentioning them at the end of Dallas, if they were going to be in the next series, or if you were just seeding it for future story arcs.
GW: He’s going to be actively looking for them, and he’s going to find some things out. I just don’t know how much yet. Is it safe to assume that the other kids will have powers?
GW: I would naturally assume that they also have powers. It’s weird–it’s not like I don’t want to give away stuff, it just hasn’t been written yet, which is a good thing. Are there going to be any MySpace Dark Horse Presents stories?
GW: I think Scott’s trying to get one more out of me. It’s really difficult with doing the album–that’s actually the hardest part, I’ve been doing this album. When I did the first Umbrella Academy series, I finished the pitch, and I sent that off, and then I couldn’t touch it until, I mean, even when Dark Horse called to do the series, I was literally in the middle of tracking, and I said, “I can’t work on this book until after I’m done with this record,” so it will be the same situation here. It’s very hard to do comics right now, even though there are some exciting things I’d like to do: doing an MDHP story, doing a one-shot, an Umbrella Academy adventure, all kinds of stuff. Fitting it into my schedule is the hard part. What about the Umbrella Academy movie? What’s happening with that?
GW: We just had a weekend of meetings, which was awesome. Writer Mark Bomback flew out from New York, and he met Scott and I here at the house, and we had a full day of meeting about the first film, about the script, about the things he was going to add to the mythology, things he was taking away, just making a really solid film out of it.
At the second meeting, we met with Universal and some people from the studio, and Mike Richardson and Scott and some people from Dark Horse Entertainment, and talked about the film itself and Mark’s script.
At this point, we’re waiting on a script from Mark–he’s finishing up some other commitments and then he’s going to get into it–and then we’ll move from there. Is it going to be an adaptation of Apocalypse Suite, or is it going to be a new story?
GW: Thankfully, it’s an adaptation of Apocalypse Suite. It doesn’t even involve that many changes. The only changes are stuff Scott and I had wished I’d thought of. It’s kind of like, “Oh, that’s cool. I wish I’d thought of that.” So it’s like your second chance.
GW: Yeah! And there are also some scenes that didn’t make it into the first trade because we ran out of room that will now make it into the movie. Oh, that’s cool. So it’s like a little bonus.
GW: Yeah, there’s a little bit of fan service in there, too, because by the time the film comes out, series three and four will already be out, so readers may see things from series three in the movie, which may excite them. Cool! What did you think of the Umbrella Academy PVC set ?
GW: I loved it. I got a test run at my house, with the packaging, and after that they sent a case of them, and I opened them up, and I couldn’t believe how well done they were. I guess I should have believed it, but I’ve never seen PVC this good and this detailed. The paint jobs are really cool, the way they reproduced what was in the comics.
GW: Yeah, I think that’s my favorite thing. Oddly enough, the initial prototypes were painted by a woman I used to work with at the old toy studio I used to freelance at, before I had to quit for the band. She’s the one responsible for making the paint jobs look like Gabriel’s art. Do you have a particular favorite of the figures?
GW: I think my favorite is probably a tossup between Kraken and Space, because Kraken has some really interesting things going on with his paint job, there’s a weird little detail with the hair, certain shadows on him, and Spaceboy obviously has a lot of the same treatment. So the characters with the most detail colorwise in the comic have crazy detail in the figures.
the umbrella academy - Page 2 16325 The Umbrella Academy: Dallas hardcover is coming out in September–what are the extras in that?
GW: We’re locking those in right now. The plus and minus of this whole series was, Gabriel and I had to become so tight of a unit, that I honestly did a collection of just three or four drawings for this series. Gabriel has such a better handle on the world that he does all the design work now–a lot of the time, right on the page. I would give him a description of the character and then I would see it right on the page. I don’t think he worked out too much on a sketch pad beforehand. Little bits, like Hazel and Cha Cha, he spent a little time on, and Carmichael he spent a little time on; characters like that. But that was it. So there’s very little art from me this time, so I don’t know what the extras will actually be. No apple pie recipe?
GW: Yeah, exactly (laughs). So, if you could have a crossover between The Umbrella Academy and any other comic, from any publisher or era, what would you pick?
GW: I think a really interesting crossover would be either Doom Patrol or Challengers of the Unknown. That’s one of the unspoken influences on the comic, those really old ’60s Challengers of the Unknown comics. There’s some crazy stuff that happens in the books. The members of The Umbrella Academy have powers, but they’re not really presented as a traditional superhero team. Do you consider it a superhero comic?
GW: I don’t consider The Umbrella Academy to be at all a superhero comic. If anything, series two pushed that even further away. With series three and four, it’s going to get even further away from what’s traditionally perceived as a superhero comic. I don’t know what it’s going to be considered as–maybe a post-modern science fiction drama? But that’s what I feel it’s moving toward. There’s not even a lot of costumes going on. I think of the comic more as an adventure comic. You and Gabriel Bá are a pretty good team, but are there any other artists you’d like to work with?
GW: Yes! Actually, the next series I’m doing with Dark Horse, I’ll be working with Becky Cloonan, and she’s someone I’ve been wanting to work with awhile. I kinda want to keep it in the family, and to me, that’s Gabriel, Fabio Moon, Vasilis Lolos, Becky, Rafael Grampá–all the guys who did the 5 anthology. I’ve had a really strong connection with them, personally, and I want to work with all of them. Those are the guys and girls that excite me the most–that kind of tight little group. They all kind of found each other. I think that eventually I will have worked with all of them–that’s what I’d love to do. So you think you’ll do any artwork yourself, or will you stick with the writing?
GW: Right now I’m going to stick with the writing. As far as concept stuff into the comic, Becky has already nailed it. I expected that I would do the same thing as I did with Umbrella, which was create a ton of drawings, but it’s been really hard with the record so I haven’t had a chance to do that. But I did get to build a model, which was really fun for me, and this was the first time I’ve ever built a piece of reference for an artist for a comic. What was it?
GW: I can’t actually say yet, but everyone will get to see it eventually. It’s this car model. It’s very integral to the comic series I’m doing, in the way that Kaneda’s bike was kind of a character in Akira, this car is the same type of thing. When I built the model, it took me about four days to get it to look right and do all the masking and detailing and stuff, but I wanted to get it totally exact to the way it should look in the book. It’s going to be a really interesting thing when we finally do a collection, to have photos of it. This project with Becky, is this the next Umbrella Academy series, or a one-shot?
GW: Oh, this is a totally new series. Oh, okay!
GW: Gabriel is always going to be the one doing Umbrella. Right now, he’s taking a break, and I didn’t want to give him something else to do. Gabriel and I have both decided that if we’re working on something together, it should be Umbrella. What’s the new series? Can you talk about it?
GW: I don’t know if I can yet, to be honest with you. Once I finish writing my lyrics for this album and start doing my vocals, I think then I’ll be able to sit down and really plot it out. I think it’s going to be a seven to eight issue series. I need to lock down the plot points so I can talk about it when people ask.
I’m writing it with a partner, who is an old associate of mine. We kind of wrote it together when we used to tour together in the van. I think that was the genesis for a lot of the slang and the locations in this comic. But it’s by no means autobiographical at all. It’s a really crazy sci-fi action comic, conspiracy story. So that’s going to be me with another writer, and Becky is the artist. And I think Dave Stewart is gonna color it. Well, I guess that’s the end of my questions! I want to thank Gerard for taking the time to talk with me, and he’s definitely piqued my interest for the new comic series.
So who has finished reading Dallas? What do you hope to see in future Umbrella story arcs? Will you check out Gerard’s new comic book series, even with a different artist? Anyone wondering how Gerard is on the phone (he was really nice)? Post your comments and questions below!

Vu que je n'ai pas encore fini de lire tout Dallas, je ne vais pas traduire toute l'interview maintenant, pour pas me spoiler XD

Mais de ce qui est dit aprés, on peut retenir qu'il va y avoir une 3ième série de The UA, voir une 4ième, avant cela, Gerard va travailler avec un autre artiste sur une toute nouvelle série, toujours en tant qu'auteur et le film avance, ils attendent que Mark Bomback ai fini d'écrire le scénario et il contiendra même certaines cénes qu'ils n'avaient pas eu le temps d'approndir dans le comic.

Je ferais une traduction plus compléte quand j'aurai lu toute la série parce qu'il est vraiment interressant comme article Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Juil - 14:10

La San Diego Comic Con aura lieu dans 15 jours et l'équipe de The UA sera présente !
Ils ont également été nominé pour les Eisner Awards ! cheers

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San Diego Comic Con schedule, and Eisner Award nominations!
The San Diego Comic Con is once again upon us! That means new announcement regarding The Umbrella Academy, as well as the 2009 Eisner Awards!

For those of you attending, you can catch the following signings at the Dark Horse booth during the weekend:

Dark Horse Booth #2615

Thursday July 23 4:00 - 5:00 Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon

Friday July 24 6:00 - 7:00 Umbrella Academy : Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba

Saturday July 25
4:00 - 5:00 *NEW PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT Gerard Way, Becky Cloonan, Shaun Simon

Sunday July 26 12:00 - 1:00 PIXU: Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Becky Cloonan & Vasilis Lolos

Also, swing by the Eisner Awards on Friday night, where The Umbrella Academy & friends are up for a few awards:

Best Anthology
: MySpace Dark Horse Presents, edited by Scott Allie and Sierra Hahn

Best Graphic Album (Reprint): The Umbrella Academy, vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite deluxe edition, by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá

Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team: Gabriel Bá, The Umbrella Academy

Best Cover Artist: Gabrial Bá, Casanova (Image); The Umbrella Academy

Best Coloring: Dave Stewart

Ils sont aussi nominés au Harvey Awards !
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Umbrella Academy nominated for three 2009 Harvey Awards!
The nominees for the 2009 Harvey Awards have been announced, and it looks like Team Umbrella has snagged three nominations!

Gabriel Ba - Best Artist

Dave Stewart - Best Colorist

The Umbrella Academy - Best Continuing or Limited Series

Also, congratulations to the Pixu team (Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Becky Cloonan, and Vasilis Lolos) for their nomination for Best Anthology!

Check out all the nominees at:

We've got some exciting stuff lined up for the San Diego Comic Con, so check back soon!
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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 1 Aoû - 21:18

Un article sur la série 3 "Hotel Oblivion" de The Umbrella Academy

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the umbrella academy - Page 2 1248374585 Teaser art for "Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion"

Gerard Way has enjoyed such success with his Dark Horse series “The Umbrella Academy” that it's almost no longer necessary to mention that he also happens to be a rock star. Together with artist Gabriel Ba, the My Chemical Romance</FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT> frontman won an Eisner Award for Best Limited Series in 2008 for their first miniseries, subtitled “Apocalypse Suite,” and the follow up “Dallas” has been enthusiastically received by fans and critics. Dark Horse announced Friday at Comic-Con International that Way and Ba are now working on a third series, titled “Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion,” and Way will announce another project at Saturday's panel. CBR News caught up with Way to discuss both projects. Our discussion of “Umbrella Academy” series 3 is right here, and be sure to check back tomorrow for part two of the interview.

“Like series 2, series 3 of 'Umbrella Academy' is going to pick up a bit after we left off,” Way said. “But it's going to start off with a flashback and we're going to get to see one of the old characters from the Free Comic Book Day story, Murder Magician. Basically, we're going to see what Hargreeves did with all these villains over the years.

“I really like this series, I've had this one in my head for a long time,” the writer continued. Though Way noted that his stories often shift in the telling, he does have a strong sense of how the events in “Hotel Oblivion” play out. “This time, I'm thinking it is going to deal with other characters than the Umbrella Academy, at least for half of it. You're going to see the other side of things,” Way told CBR. The core cast, however, will continue on with their lives. “Obviously, Spaceboy's left again, we'll deal with that, and everybody's in kind of a whole different state of disrepair. Although I'd like to see the family get a little bit functional at this point. You're going to see Rumor take a very different attitude toward Vanya now, for a lot of reasons, number one being her own guilt. That story is now going to develop.”

In noting that there is a whole hidden history of what has become of the world's bad guys, Way hints at a notable aspect of “Umbrella Academy,” the device of frequent allusions to events that have not been shown to readers. When “Umbrella Academy” debuted as a Free Comic Book Day offering, the team was made up of teenage heroes; by the time series one, “Apocalypse Suite,” launched, they were adults, with physical and mental scars suggesting that the intervening years haven't been easy. Way said that the Umbrella Academy's past will continue to thread out through flashbacks, with no plans at present to devote a series to their younger, more innocent days. “In terms of what really happened in the Jennifer Incident and that sort of thing, I think it would be nice to dedicate an entire story to that one. But I think that's a ways off,” Way told CBR. “We've still never explained why Kraken doesn't have an eye, we don't know what happened to Rumor's arm, there's all these weird little questions still in the air. As we go along, when those situations become relevant, I tell them. This story in particular, I am really excited about because it deals with what Hargreeves did with all these villains, where he put them, and what's going to happen in the current day.”

“Umbrella Academy” has been recognized for its inventive storytelling and often surreal plot elements, but Way's stories display a strong internal logic holding even the strangest bits together. “I think there's definitely a logic to how it operates,” the writer said. “It's gotten to where I can call Scott [Allie, series editor] and run him down with how I think the issues are going to break out, or run him down how I think a series is going to go. And a lot of times I notice when we're in a pickle, so to speak, with how to solve a problem, there is a very 'Umbrella Academy' solution. So there's things I think we can get away with in comics that you can't get away with in heavily-guarded treasured continuity books. Which is really what I like about 'Umbrella Academy,' which is one of the reasons I created it. Time travel, you could sit there for months and try to make sense of it. Ultimately, it's just never going to make sense the way you want it to. The good thing about 'Umbrella Academy' is that it doesn't attract the kind of readership that's going to sit there and look for the big gaping holes in the time continuum. Because time travel is not the point. The point is that the characters got somewhere, the fact that they are there and what they're doing. When all's said and done, I think this will all fit pretty nicely. But I don't know how much of the timeline, if you timed out all these flashbacks, if there'd be holes in that, but I don't think that matters as much as what's happening, when you're seeing it. I think we're going to re-cast the dog, for example. Because we now want a very specific dog. I want to use Gabriel's dog, that he has in Brazil. When we came up with the dog, we didn't think of using Gabriel's dog. When you're dealing with the 'Umbrella Academy,' you can just re-cast something. 'Oh, I don't like this dog, let's redo it.' Make no mention of the fact that it was a completely different looking dog.”

“I'm really excited about about both of the books. I'm going into 'Hotel Oblivion' with the fact that I've got past series two. Series one was, you know, can this person write comics, and series two was, can this person keep writing comics? Hopefully series three will just be, what's going to happen in this comic? That's really exciting to me. Series two of 'Umbrella Academy' was starting to really hone what the book is. Series one was a very linear story, even though it was told with some weird flashbacks. But series two has more breathing room. There's more inventiveness, there's more developmental stuff going on with the characters, sometimes you simply see a character sitting down, these kind of introspective moments. If anything, I think you're going to see more of that. This book's really going to get a little bit more introspective, a little bit more postmodern, a little more inventive, exciting in that way. A little bit more experimental is what you're going to see from 'Umbrella Academy' series three.”

Pas encore lu donc pas de trad pour le moment.
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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

the umbrella academy - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Sep - 22:48

Une vidéo d'une session Skype entre Gabriel Bà et Gerard :

A télécharger ICI
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Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 26 Sep - 21:29

merci doush Wink

Gabriel il fait clodo je trouve the umbrella academy - Page 2 517670 cache
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Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Oct - 22:53

The Umbrella Academy a gagné 2 prix aux Harvey Awards !

-Meilleur artiste pour Gabriel Bà
-Meilleur coloriste pour Dave Stewart

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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 2 Jan - 14:09

The Umbrella Academy est bien placé dans beaucoup de top 10 de 2009 !

Un échantillon :
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8. The Umbrella Academy (Gerard Way, Gabriel Ba / 2007-Present)
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The Umbrella Academy is the only series on this list that is still running and I wouldn’t hesitate to put it here despite it being unfinished. Even though the two separate story arcs released so far can be taken as different series, I’m putting both of them here under the Umbrella Academy… umbrella (sorry about that). I mentioned in my Umbrella Academy: Dallas review that I thought the sequel fell just a bit short of the original but both arcs are amazing reads with fresh characters, great twists, attractive visuals and near flawless pacing. This is one of the most promising new series of the past 10 years and I can’t wait to see where this postmodern superhero comic takes us next.

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the umbrella academy - Page 2 Dallas

The Umbrella Academy: Dallas by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba

I’m on-record as to what a pleasant surprise I found the Umbrella Academy, but I still wasn’t prepared for the assured statement and good comics that is Dallas. This is a Great American Comic, willing to wrangle with big issues and bigger themes than anything else out there. Dallas is about the American obsession with (and desensitization to) violence, the psychic scars of Vietnam, and the assassination of JFK as the focal point around which the American 20th Century Experience revolves. Don’t worry, the comic still has men grafted to Martian monkeys, phase-shifting kung-fu six-year-olds, and more daddy issues than Oedipus Rex, but Dallas ups the stakes with time travel (within time travel (within time travel…)), French surrealism, and serial killers in Cinnamaroll masks. The emotional baggage of the characters gets mixed up with the emotional baggage of America and the result is a punchy, heady stew of mainstream comics at their best: fun-as-hell to read in an afternoon, but packed with ideas that resonate for weeks.
Dans le Top 3.

Citation :
Broken Frontier Awards 2009: The Winners
Broken Frontier proudly presents the winners of its sixth annual Broken Frontier Awards!

For its 2009 edition, BF opened up its voting process to fans, creators and industry professionals after our staff had compiled four nominees each over a series of ten categories.

As such, the creators and projects that came out on top are the winners as determined by our voting public.

The winners are:

1. Best Writer – Mainstream: Geoff Johns
2. Best Writer – Independent: Terry Moore
3. Best Artist – Mainstream: Steve McNiven
4. Best Artist – Independent: Gabriel Bá
5. Best Publisher: Dark Horse
6. Best Ongoing Series: Walking Dead
7. Best Limited Series: The Umbrella Academy: Dallas
8. Best Debut Book: Batman & Robin
9. Best Original Graphic Novel: The Hunter
10. Best Webcomic: Girl Genius

Check for spotlight articles on each of the award winners. Congratulations to the award-winners and to everyone who voted! May 2010 field an equally amazing batch of comics as 2009 did.

Citation :

BF Awards 2009 - Best Limited Series: The Umbrella Academy: Dallas
The Umbrella Academy is the brainchild of My Chemical Romance front man, Gerard Way. Beginning in 2007, he created a world of dysfunctional heroes, crazy villains and wild scenarios, not bound by common logic. Picking and choosing some of the best storytelling techniques from artists like Grant Morrison, Wes Anderson and Mike Mignola, he developed a unique style that reads like a structured fever dream of skewed heroics.

the umbrella academy - Page 2 Bfawards_uadallas1

Many readers were skeptical of a musician taking the reins of an original comic property. Unaware that Mr. Way is steeped in the medium’s lore, I remained at arm’s length as well, until after Apocalypse Suite, the first Umbrella series had reached its conclusion. Through word of mouth, I picked up the trade and now find it to be one of the series I am most excited about when it ships.

With partners in crime, Gabriel Bá & Dave Stewart, Way has given us a yearly event of mini-series, each being self-contained yet continuous pieces of work. This past year saw the conclusion and subsequent collection of Volume 2, Dallas. The details of the plot are too complicated to recap, but involve time travel, talking monkeys, Viet Cong Vampires in the 1960s, giant mummies, Saturday Morning Cartoon serial killers, God as a cowboy and the botched/successful assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Umbrellas save the world, as well.

the umbrella academy - Page 2 Bfawards_uadallas2

Mimicking a release schedule not unlike that of Hellboy, we are given a chance to revisit these lush characters every year. The success and originality of The Umbrella Academy: Dallas is a learned lesson in not judging a book by its cover. Also, that lightning can strike twice. Here’s hoping for three times.

The next volume, The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion really can’t come soon enough.


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Umbrella Academy, Gerard Way, Gabriel Ba. When I first picked this up, I thought it would be a little too clever: a team of orphans raised in wealth and trained to be superheroes, who fight weird and pop-culture-ready enemies. Turns out it is clever, but it’s riveting too – not so much for the pop culture references or the oh-so-British quirk, but for the fact that all the ideas add up to something.
Dans le Top 10.

Citation :
Top 20 Comics of the Year:
1. Chew
2. Incognito/Criminal: The Sinners
3. The Umbrella Academy Dallas

Favorite Mini-Series :
1. Incognito
2. Criminal: The Sinners
3. The Umbrella Academy Dallas


Citation :
The Best 10 Comics in 2009

3. UMBRELLA ACADEMY: "DALLAS" (#1-6) - This fantastic series comes from Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chemical Romance. This story follows the events of "Apocalypse Suite", the first arc in this series. Certainly a better story, it delves more into what makes these characters tick, and how broken they are. Also it features time travel, the Vietnam War, and the assassination of JFK (both preventing and ensuring it happen). The story has many twists and turns, but it all really boils down to the characters, as all great stories do. This series is one big reason why I believe that comic books should be seen as literary works.


C'est "tout" pour le moment ! Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

the umbrella academy - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the umbrella academy   the umbrella academy - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Fév - 0:54

La série Dallas est dispo en français ! cheers

J'ai vu ça tout à l'heure à la Fnac Very Happy
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