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 Franck: album leathermouth

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 141
Age : 41
Localisation : Montpellier
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2008

Franck: album leathermouth Empty
MessageSujet: Franck: album leathermouth   Franck: album leathermouth Icon_minitimeVen 16 Jan - 16:20

bon alors si c'est pas à la bonne place
1-pas taper
2-je vous laisse le soin de l'enlever Wink

mail recu ce matin:

Leathermouth lives! Hello friends, A new day is here, I hope you're all well. I'm writing to let you all know that ive been busy…and time flies when you're busy I suppose. It's mid January already, and everything in northern new jersey is frozen and dead. So I'll get right to the point…some of you may have heard that a while back I started work on a band called Leathermouth with a few of my friends from back home in Jersey. We played a few shows, wrote a few songs, and ended up recording 10 of those songs in our basements. Now, after what feels like a lifetime, on January 27th 2009 those 10 songs are finally being released as a full length CD entitled, "XO", on Epitaph Records…and Im pretty excited about this. Ever since I was a young kid going to shows I always wanted to be in a band I believed in and release a record I put my heart into, ive been fortunate enough in my life to experience this a couple of times…and it never gets old. Now I must say this project isn't for all of you, I urge you to find out for yourselves what Leathermouth is before you form an opinion or spend any of your hard earned money on it. I venture to say many of you will probably end up hating it and I encourage you to vent that distaste as you see fit, my only hope is that you are not indifferent to it. With that said, if you do end up enjoying LM, well then let god have mercy on your eternal soul, and if you want to preorder the record you can do so now at Smartpunk or Interpunk. Also, for those of you that live in the greater New Jersey area, we are going to be playing a last minute CD release show at Vintage Vinyl, 51 Lafayette Rd in Fords, NJ on Tuesday Jan 27th at 7pm sharp. If you pre-order the record there or pick it up on the street date, they'll give you a wristband for the show. You can go to their website for all the details.

Thank you for your time XOfrank
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Nombre de messages : 746
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

Franck: album leathermouth Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Franck: album leathermouth   Franck: album leathermouth Icon_minitimeVen 16 Jan - 16:32

Ah merci Marie, j'ai eu la flemme de le mettre ce matin XD

J'irais bien voir ce qu'il donne leur album quand même.
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Nombre de messages : 141
Age : 41
Localisation : Montpellier
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2008

Franck: album leathermouth Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Franck: album leathermouth   Franck: album leathermouth Icon_minitimeSam 17 Jan - 1:09

What a Face moi aussi ca me tente bien!!

allez on se cotise et on en prend 1 Franck: album leathermouth 517670
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Franck: album leathermouth Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Franck: album leathermouth   Franck: album leathermouth Icon_minitime

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Franck: album leathermouth
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